Sebum is an oily matter produced by the body’s sebaceous glands to protect and hydrate our skin. Oil production is affected by sex and ethnicity, however, not all of us produce the same amount.

An overproduction of sebum can result in a shiny or greasy appearance, and the excess sebum can clog pores and lead to increased acne breakouts. But while oily skin can be frustrating to deal with, it also has its benefits: According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, people with oily skin typically have fewer wrinkles and thicker skin.

What are the different skin types?

Dry skin

So, if oily skin is because of too much sebum production, then dry skin is pretty much the opposite. You see, sebum helps to regulate moisture loss, therefore, dry skin occurs when the skin does not produce enough sebum and epidermal lipids (a fat molecule found in sebum).

As we get older, we are more prone to dry skin, but external factors also play a big role, as well as seasonal changes like dropping temperatures and lower humidity.

Combination skin

Combination skin is when the skin does not produce consistent amounts of sebum and displays a mix of dry and oily skin characteristics that typically manifest in an oily T-zone with dry skin around it.

Normal skin

Normal skin has balanced oil control and tends to be unproblematic. The younger you are, the higher the odds your skin is normal.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is mostly linked to the disruption of the skin’s lipid barrier. It is often included as a skin type but is actually a skin condition. You can have oily and sensitive skin, for example, or dry and sensitive skin.

Is hydration good for oily skin?

Many people with oily skin mistakenly believe that they do not need to hydrate their skin because it is already naturally oily. However, hydration is just as important for oily skin as it is for dry skin: When oily skin is not sufficiently moisturised, it can overcompensate by producing more sebum. So, the key is to make sure you’re using a product that contains ingredients that will help
with oil control.

Best ingredients for oily skin care

Aloe vera: It is astringent and, therefore, can help to regulate oil production and get rid of excess sebum. Aloe vera also contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties.

Superfruit serum: Superfruits are packed with antioxidants (like vitamin C) that help protect the skin’s surface from damage caused by free radicals, UV rays and pollution. Additionally, superfruit serum can help to treat inflammation caused by acne.

Vitamin B3: Vitamin B3 is great for oil control because it inhibits oil production from going into overdrive. This means bye-bye blemishes, hello beautiful, clear skin.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E has long been used as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Because it is fat soluble, it is quickly absorbed into the skin to speed up healing.

What is a good skin care regime for oily skin?

Step 1

A good skin care routine for oil control starts with a mild face wash. Ideally, you should cleanse your skin no more than twice a day, using lukewarm water (hot water can disrupt the balance of the oil on your skin) and then gently padding it dry. You should also wash your face if you have been sweating.

Step 2

Oily skin may also benefit from a toner that is intended as an oil control product. Applying a toner after washing your face can help to get rid of any impurities that might still be present, and it also helps to balance sebum production.

Step 3

Thinking that moisturisers for oily skin are not needed is a mistake. The key is to find a product that will assist with sebum production and shine control.

How do I best care for my oily skin?

When it comes to oily skin care, consistency is key: If your skin flares up when you try a new product, just keep at it. Because it often takes our skin a little while to get used to certain ingredients and it is not always a sign that a product is not working.

Try Clere’s oil control products

Clere Radiance Oil Control Beauty Bar (100g): Enriched with astringent ingredients like lemon and aloe vera, this beauty bar will help to cleanse and purify your skin. It also contains superfruit serum to leave your skin feeling soft and soothed.

Clere Radiance Oil Control Toner (100ml): This mild toner contains superfruit serum and vitamin B3 to help balance your skin for a beautiful, even skin tone.

Clere Radiance Oil Control Vanishing Cream (50ml): With vitamin B3 and vitamin E, this moisturiser ensures your skin is hydrated whilst managing sebum production. You can expect soft skin with a healthy, flawless, matte appearance. (This cream is also available in Normal To Oily, as well as Oily To Very Oily.)

Discover more about Clere Radiance products and how to use them to get a radiant glow – visit our website today.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and does not provide a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for any questions or skin concerns.